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"Russ Colchamiro has staked out a territory uniquely his own: Angela Hardwicke is a science fictional female PI and damn good at what she does. He mines a vein of pulp fiction gold that's all his. Let's hope he doesn't walk away from the table." --Nicholas Meyer, writer/director, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Part Blade Runner, part Doctor Who, part Sarah Connor... Angela Hardwicke isn't just any private investigator...
As a private spy for hire, Hardwicke is a PI from Eternity, the cosmic realm responsible for the design, creation, and maintenance of the Universe. In this scifi noir series from author Russ Colchamiro, Hardwicke takes the cases you might expect -- kidnapping, missing persons, extortion, corporate espionage and the like -- as well as cases involving time travel, teleportation, shapeshifters, androids, and the folds in time, space, and dimension.

In this new e-book only box set, author Russ Colchamiro delivers the first three books in the series: Crackle and Fire, Fractured Lives, and Hot Ash.

When accountant Gil Haberseau hires her to find an intern with stolen corporate files, Hardwicke soon finds herself embroiled in a deadly case of lies, intrigue, and murder, clashing with vengeful gangsters, MinderNot rallies, and a madman who's come a long way to get what he wants.

In Russ Colchamiro's thrilling Sci-Fi mystery Crackle and Fire, Angela Hardwicke learns once and for all that when it comes to being an intergalactic private eye, there's no telling what threats she may face on-realm and off... including the demons that lurk deep within her soul. Bonus story included! The AI-themed Angela Hardwicke murder mystery, "The Case of Jarlo's Buried Treasure"

Darla Fyne, a college freshman and galaxy design savant, is suffering from a nervous breakdown -- or is she the victim of an urban legend known as the Scarlet Raj?

As Hardwicke follows the intersecting worlds of art galleries, college dorms, and a semi-secret clan that patches up tears in the Universe, her investigation will either uncover a hoax gone wrong or a plot that could shift the balance of power across the entire realm. If only she can fight through her own paranoia to tell the difference.

In Russ Colchamiro's new Sci-Fi mystery Fractured Lives, Angela Hardwicke is confronted by a PI's worst nightmare -- dark secrets from her past

Following the mysterious and ill-timed death of her elderly husband, Camille Engquist was set to inherit the family's real estate development company. But her stepkids stole it from her first. Or so she claims.

As Hardwicke and her protégé Eric Whistler dive into the world of affordable housing, synthetic concrete, and corporate succession planning, their investigation put them face-to-face with the haves and have-nots, a new form of cocaine, a boundary-pushing neurobiologist, a majestic domed city and a violent conspiracy that stretches farther and deeper than they ever could have imaged. But the most insidious betrayals are sometimes closer to home.

In Hot Ash, Russ Colchamiro's most action-packed Sci-Fi mystery yet, Angela Hardwicke must grapple with the worst pain of all -- that the people we love are the ones we should fear most.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 24, 2023
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 920 Pages
  • File Size: 7,460 KB

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