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25 Perfect Days: A Dystopian Novel

by , (Vincere Press)

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A Dystopian Nightmare Full of Horror and Heartache

A totalitarian state doesn't just happen overnight. It's a slow, dangerous slide. 25 Perfect Days chronicles the path into a hellish future of food shortages, contaminated water, sweeping incarceration, an ultra-radical religion, and the extreme measures taken to reduce the population. Through twenty-five interlinked stories, each written from a different character's point of view, 25 Perfect Days captures the sacrifice, courage, and love needed to survive and eventually overcome this dystopian nightmare.

This couldn't happen. Could it?

What editorial reviewers are saying:

"Don't let the title fool you: the 25 PERFECT DAYS of the title are perfectly disturbing, a walk through a possible future as bleak as George Orwell's 1984. Scary, realistic, and satisfying."-- Jodi McMaster for IndieReader

" of the better science fiction books I've read in a long time... This is a novel that deserves much more acclaim." -- Josef Hernandez for Minneapolis Books Examiner

"If you love dystopian stories with a wide scope of realistic social and moral issues, you'd probably enjoy 25 Perfect Days." -- Fantascize

Reader response:

"25 Perfect Days will hit a nerve. You WILL recognize some of these fictionalized events as part of the world's daily reality, past, present and probably future." -- Dii

"From pacing to word choice to character development to layering I loved everything about the writing style. Smooth reading with vivid descriptions from start to finish." -- para

"Keep 'em coming Mark Tullius! Each book is better than the last!" -- haven

"Welcome to a world where everyone is programmed to do what others tell them to and where those that disagree will not see the light of another day... a story that will keep you wondering: Fact or Fiction? Real or Imaginary? Could you live through these 25 Perfect Days?" - Samfreene

Would you survive 25 Perfect Days? Get your copy today.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 20, 2013
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 364 Pages
  • File Size: 5,862 KB

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