Promote Your Kindle Book With eReaderIQ & BookSends
eReaderIQ has partnered with BookSends to get your eBooks right to the readers who want them! Combined, our lists have over 150,000 active readers. Check below for subscriber counts and prices. Let us know about your upcoming deal, but know we'll only be accepting the best deals on top-quality books. We look forward to working with you!
Minimum Book Requirements (for more, see Expanded Submission Guidelines on
- At least 5 reviews, with a high overall average, and an attractive cover.
- A planned sale price of less than $3 and at least 50% off full price.
- Due to limited space, authors are asked to submit just one book at a time and are limited to one ad per 30 days. We will not feature the same book more than once every 90 days.
- Novellas and short story collections are unlikely to be accepted at paid prices.
- If a book has been free in the previous 90 days, that's the only price we're willing to feature it at.