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From an award-winning author, a "cozy whodunit in the Agatha Christie tradition" featuring a married couple invited to a private island to find a killer (Publishers Weekly).

Britt Barlow is certain her media mogul brother-in-law Jeremiah Addison's fatal tumble a year ago was no accident--especially since she herself discovered, and disposed of, the trip wire someone had strung across the stairs. Now she's bringing all who were in attendance that weekend back to Golden Silk--Addison's luxurious secluded island estate--and inviting two extra guests, Annie and Max Darling, to help uncover a killer.

Annie Darling wouldn't miss this party for the world! And there certainly is no lack of suspects among the guests, each of whom had a substantial motive for doing in the insufferable tycoon. But the party turns deadly when a houseman mysteriously vanishes, along with the boats which are the only escape off Addison's island--leaving the Darlings stranded on a floating rock in the middle of nowhere, too close to a solution for comfort, and stalked by a crafty murderer.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 13, 2009
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 312 Pages
  • File Size: 1,093 KB

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