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Ina May's Guide to Childbirth: Updated With New Material


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MORE THAN 500,000 COPIES SOLD! ? In this completely revised and updated edition, the nation's leading midwife shares the benefits and joys of natural childbirth by showing women how to trust in the ancient wisdom of their bodies for a healthy and fulfilling birthing experience.

"This book should be read by every woman who is having or may someday have a baby, and by every midwife, nurse, doula, childbirth educator, and doctor who assists or may someday assist these women through their maternity experiences." -- Marsden Wagner, M.D., M.S., former Director of Women's and Children's Health, World Health Organization

Based on the female-centered Midwifery Model of Care and drawing upon her decades of experience, Ina May Gaskin gives expectant mothers comprehensive information on everything from the all-important mind-body connection to how to give birth without technological intervention.

Filled with inspiring birth stories and practical advice, this invaluable resource covers:

? Reducing the pain of labor without drugs -- and the miraculous roles touch and massage play
? What really happens during labor
? Orgasmic birth -- making birth pleasurable
? Common methods of inducing labor -- and which to avoid at all costs
? Tips for maximizing your chances of an unmedicated labor and birth
? How to avoid postpartum bleeding -- and depression
? The risks of anesthesia and cesareans -- what your doctor doesn't necessarily tell you
? How to create a safe, comfortable environment for birth in any setting, including a hospital
? And much more!

Ina May's Guide to Childbirth takes the fear out of childbirth by restoring women's faith in their own natural power to give birth with more ease, less pain, and less medical intervention.

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  • We started tracking this book on March 2, 2013.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 374 Pages
  • File Size: 18,284 KB

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