



In a groundbreaking book that rethinks spiritual formation, Gary Thomas argues that the contemporary church is in danger of accepting Christianity as a historical reality but not as a present power. Is the grace that pardons powerful enough to transform? Answering with a resounding yes, Thomas presents a compelling picture of what it means to be a "God oasis" in a God-forgetting world."The first chapter alone is worth reading many times. This is beauty and struggle. This is the death that leads to life."John Ortberg, Pastor and Author, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church"Set this book down... slowly... turn around... and run away... unless you hunger for a deeper vision of faith and thirst for genuine life transformation... if you do, read on."Kevin Harney, Pastor and Author"Once again, Gary Thomas challenges me to live passionately for God and to apply his transforming power to my daily decisions."Kay Warren, Executive Director, HIV/AIDS Initiative, Saddleback ChurchThe Beautiful Fight will energize your life and your church. It will inspire you, equip you, and challenge you to delve ever deeper into what it means to be a truly holy believer, transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. Discover just how radical Christian transformation can be, as you learn to see with new eyes, think with a new mind, and feel with a new heart. Thomas rallies you to the Beautiful Fight -- the struggle to fully express the wonder and life-changing power of Christ in this world through every aspect of who you are.

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  • We started tracking this book on July 4, 2011.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 336 Pages
  • File Size: 2,627 KB

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