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You are a Survivor from Day One

On the heels of the acclaimed Learning Channel documentary and best-selling survival guidebook Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips comes this survivor's companion. In Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips Kris Carr and her posse of Cancer Babes shared their wealth of insights, tricks, how-tos, and hell yeahs for living life with cancer. Now Kris invites all the Cancer Cowgirls (and dudes) out there to chat back and record their own journeys, with this beautifully illustrated, full-color go-anywhere companion.

Pairing Kris's signature sass and smart, soulful, real advice with thoughtful exercises, new contributors, and amplespace for writing and reflecting, Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor reaffirms that it is possible to live a real, fun, crazy, sexy life?with cancer. Kris shares her wit and wisdom on everything from food and exercise to make-up, meditation, spirituality, dreams, planning for today (and the future), and much, much more.

The user-friendly trim size and flexible-cover format meanwhile ensure that this incomparable blend of informative pocket companion and journal can go anywhere?brightening up those hours in hospital waiting rooms, at home, or spent out in the big, wide, wonderful world putting into practice that most precious truth: healing is about truly living.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 2, 2008
  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 256 Pages
  • File Size: 4,942 KB

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