




Thousands of people make an early exit each year and arrive on medical examiner Jan Garavaglia's table. What is particularly sad about this is that many of these deaths could easily have been prevented. Although Dr. Garavaglia, or Dr. G, as she's known to many, could not tell these individuals how to avoid their fates, we can benefit from her experience and profound insight into the choices we make each day.

In How Not to Die, Dr. G acts as a medical detective to identify the often-unintentional ways we harm our bodies, then shows us how to use that information to live better and smarter. She provides startling tips on how to make wise choices so that we don't have to see her, or someone like her, for a good, long time.

? In "Highway to the Morgue," we learn the one commonsense safety tip that can prevent deadly accidents -- and the reason you should never drive with the windows half open
? "Code Blue" teaches us how to increase our chances of leaving the hospital alive -- and how to insist that everyone caring for you practice the easiest hygiene method around
? "Everyday Dangers" informs us why neat freaks live longer -- and the best ways to stay safe in a car during a lightning storm

Using anecdotes from her cases and a liberal dose of humor, Dr. G gives us her prescription for living a healthier, better, longer life -- and unlike many doctors' orders, this one is surprisingly easy to follow.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 6, 2008
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 321 Pages
  • File Size: 17,484 KB

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