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Jaikus and Reneeke are ordinary lads whose dream in life is to become a member of The Adventurer's Guild. But to become a member, they must be able to lay claim to an Adventure, and not just any adventure. To qualify, an Adventure must entail the following:

1-Have some element of risk to life and limb
2-Successfully concluded. If the point of the Adventure was to recover a stolen silver candelabra, then you better have that candelabra in hand when all is said and done.
3-A reward must be given. For what good is an Adventure if you don't get paid for your troubles?

Jaikus and Reneeke soon realize that becoming members in the renowned Guild will prove much more difficult than they thought. However, when they learn that a party of experienced Guild members are about to embark on an Adventure and are in need of Springers, they quickly volunteer only to later discover that a Springer's job is to "Spring the trap."

If they survive, membership in the Guild is assured.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 243 Pages
  • File Size: 343 KB

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