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A psychotherapist and motivational speaker's "powerful and practical" guide to overcoming negativity and self-sabotage -- with a foreword by Anthony Robbins (Publisher's Weekly).

"This book will show you how to move beyond your limitations and begin to experience and share your gifts at the highest level... Read this book in its entirety, follow the lessons closely, and watch as your life transforms into a masterpiece filled with an abundance of bliss, passion, and gratitude." -- From the Foreword by Anthony Robbins

In addition to presenting Sean Stephenson's unbelievable life story, Get Off Your "But," offers anyone who needs to conquer fears and insecurities a hands-on guide for overcoming the forces of negativity and self-sabotage. Sean -- a successful psychotherapist -- shows what it takes to overcome the big bumps in the road, eliminate excuses, end insecurities, and ultimately stand up for happiness and success in life.

As Sean explains, anyone can fall victim to the "Buts":

"But" Fears (BUT what if I fail... )

"But" Insecurities (BUT I'm not good enough... )

"But" Excuses (BUT there's no time... )

Get Off Your "But" offers a practical guide for putting fear behind you and building the inner resources to become self-confident at work and at home. It's time to get off your "but" and start leading the life you dream.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 27, 2009
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 243 Pages
  • File Size: 603 KB

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