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Is Jesus really the Son of God, the Messiah? Lee Strobel wasn't so sure. So, he decided to use his award-winning journalistic skills to investigate Jesus and prove once and for all if all the claims about him are true. The Case for Christ Student Edition adapts Strobel's New York Times bestselling book to present hard-hitting findings as well as Lee's journey from skepticism to belief in an easy-to-follow manner so you can make a decision about Jesus for yourself. This student edition provides an apologetic look at Christian theology for teens.

There's historical proof that Jesus existed, but was he really the savior he claimed to be? Lee Strobel decided to dig into the evidence to see if the Bible's claims about Jesus were true. The Case for Christ Student Edition presents Strobel's well-researched and eye-opening investigation specially for young adults. Strobel's findings, as well as his journey from skeptic to believer, will resonate with teens from all walks of life.

The Case for Christ Student Edition:

• Presents the arguments for and against Christianity teens and young adults often ask and encounter so they can see the real facts

• Uses logic and solid information to examine why Christians believe what they do

• A thorough investigation into the historical reliability, eyewitness testimonies, and scientific evidence of Jesus's birth, miracles, ministry, and resurrection

• Presents Christian philosophy and core theology in an apologetic for young adults

• Can also be used in the classroom, small groups, bible studies, or as a family devotional

• Infographics and charts to make the facts clear

There's historical proof a guy named Jesus walked on the earth but was he really performing miracles? Did he actually rise from the dead? And was he truly the prophesied savior he claimed to be? Lee Strobel found it all hard to believe, and his doubts led him to ask the tough questions and dig into the real evidence to see if the Bible's claims and Jesus's words were true.

Check out these other books from Lee Strobel for young adults:

• The Case for a Creator Student Edition

• The Case for the Real Jesus Student Edition

• The Case for Faith Student Edition

• The Case for Miracles Student Edition

• The Case for Grace Student Edition

• The Case for Grace Student Edition

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 21, 2010
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 118 Pages
  • File Size: 3,467 KB

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