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The Cult of Dzur i'Oth wants its magical tome back. They can't rule the world without it.

The only person who knows how to destroy the twisted tome is Meena, a testy heroine who accidentally inherited immortality from the tome's pages centuries ago. Long turned to cynicism by the petty whims of mortals, she's secretive and brusque, dragging her young companions into mortal danger without a second thought.

Yet the magical reach of the cult leader, the Hand of Power, is long. Even from the far side of the world, he causes chaos and death in order to retrieve the key to the tome's magical prison.

A glorified librarian, a substitute prince and a secret-wielding swordsman must resolve their interpersonal conflicts in order to aid Meena in her quest. But when the Shanallar makes an unexpected sacrifice halfway to their goal, can they carry on without her? Or is the world doomed to enslavement at the hands of a magic-wielding madman?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 282 Pages
  • File Size: 1,470 KB

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