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Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare

by (Chicago Review Press)

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With the advent of modern household products and office supplies -- binder clips, clothespins, rubber bands, ballpoint pens, toothpicks, paper clips, plastic utensils, and matches and barbeque lighters -- troublemakers of all stripes have the components needed to build an impressive, if somewhat miniaturized, arsenal. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for each project are provided, including materials and ammo lists, clear diagrams, and construction tips. The 35 devices include catapults, slingshots, minibombs, darts, and combustion shooters -- build a tiny trebuchet from paper clips and a D-cell battery, wrap a penny in a string of paper caps to create a surprisingly impressive "bomb," and convert champagne party poppers and pen casings into a three-barreled bazooka. Finally, plans are provided for a top secret concealing book to hide your stash, as well as targets -- cardboard critters, big-headed aliens, and zombies -- for shooting practice. Never let your cubicle, home office, or personal space go undefended again!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 1, 2009
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 254 Pages
  • File Size: 4,395 KB

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