



Learn the secret to losing weight and keeping it off in this "well-written guidebook that gets to the root of overweight: the way people think about food" (Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of 365 Prescriptions for the Soul).

If you are constantly battling against your weight, it's time to stop yo-yo dieting and start developing a healthy relationship with food. In Skinny Thinking you will learn how to rethink your food choices, eating habits, lifestyle, and more. Author Laura Katleman-Prue has helped numerous people -- including herself -- with her simple, five-step Skinny Thinking approach.

"Skinny Living is a remarkable compendium of tools and information that guide readers to a healthy body weight not by providing a new fad diet, but by challenging them to permanently change their relationship with food, their thinking, and their bodies... If you devote yourself to implementing these powerful tools, you will heal your body, mind, and spirit and reap the rewards of an infinitely happier and healthier life" (Alan Gass, MD, FACC, from the foreword).

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  • We started tracking this book on February 13, 2011.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 200 Pages
  • File Size: 2,118 KB

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