



"In these uncertain times, I know 100 percent that I can stake my life on the unshakeable, unchanging promises of God!" -- SHEILA WALSH

Where do you turn for shelter in the worst storms of life?

You know God's promises, but are they for you, are they for now, are they for this? If you look to your circumstances alone, it may seem that God has forgotten you. But He hasn't. He can't. And He wouldn't even if He could. God is the only promise maker who is always a promise keeper. And God's promises will never fail you!

In The Shelter of God's Promises, gifted Bible teacher and inspiring Women of Faith speaker Sheila Walsh searches Scripture for what God has promised us, what God's promises mean, and how encounters with Christ are the eternal fulfillment of His unrelenting commitment to us. Through vulnerable storytelling, new insights, and an in-depth Bible study, Sheila offers powerful, heart-filled teaching on ten bedrock promises of God, providing the foundation for daily confidence, joy, hope -- and shelter.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 30, 2011
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 226 Pages
  • File Size: 625 KB

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