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Stories of four great heroes from three popular worlds that sprang from the fertile mind of the Grand Master of Horror and British Fantasy Award winner.

Here are eight long tales of four of Lumley's most popular creations; Titus Crow, David Hero and his companion, Eldin the Wanderer; and the original Necroscope himself, Harry Keogh.

Titus Crow: Psychic detective, master magician, destroyer of the ancient Cthulian gods. In "Inception," we see the infant Titus at the moment his destiny falls upon him. In "Lord of the Worms," a simple secretarial job lands Crow on a sacrificial altar. And in "Name and Number," Crow battles malevolent, occult winds that can rip living flesh from bone.

David Hero and Eldin the Wanderer: once men of the waking world, now agents for King Kuranes of the Dreamlands. Sips of "The Weird Wines of Naxas Niss" send the pair on a tumultuous journey from a buxom beauty's bed to the depths of a wizard's dungeon. Then, seeking his missing friend, David Hero boards an ill-fated airship that is home to "The Stealer of Dreams."

Harry Keogh, Necroscope: vampire killer without peer, capable of conversing with the dead. A sudden windfall brings Harry to Las Vegas, where he meets "Dead Eddy," a gambler who can't resist the temptation of one last big win -- from beyond the grave! In "Dinosaur Dreams," Harry's interest in fossils leads him to uncover the truth behind the death of a young amateur paleontologist... Harry's undying love for his mother leads him down a dangerous path in the brief "Resurrection."

Every world needs a hero. These are Brian Lumley's.

Horror fiction;horror stories;occult stories;supernatural stories;dark fantasy stories;paranormal fantasy stories;necroscope series;titus crow;David hero;eldin the wanderer;harry Keogh;psychic detective;magician;cthulian gods;dreamlands;vampire hunter;weird fiction;Lovecraftian;king kuranes;wizard;airship;las vegas;gambler;temptation;fossil;paleontologist;communication;revenge;casino owner;necromancy;elixir;grand master of horror;british fantasy award winner;elder god;undead;fugitive;desert temple;sanusi;London;zombie;cult leader;coven

FIC015000 FICTION / Horror

FIC029000 FICTION / Short Stories (single author)

FIC024000 FICTION / Occult & Supernatural

FIC009070 FICTION / Fantasy / Dark Fantasy

FIC009050 FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal


Hero of Dreams (Dreamlands)

Brian Lumley

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  • We started tracking this book on March 24, 2013.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 325 Pages
  • File Size: 1,806 KB

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