



The bestselling beginner's guide to identifying and understanding the nine personality profiles and applying them to your daily life.

The leading experts in the field, Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson have set the standard for determining personality type using the enneagram. Their studies of this ancient symbol and their progress in determining type with increasing accuracy are known, taught, and emulated worldwide.

Discovering Your Personality Type is the essential introduction to this system, a psychological framework that can be used practically, in many aspects of daily life. This revised and updated edition features the all-new, scientifically validated Riso-Hudson Type Indicator, and has also been refined and simplified to appeal especially to beginners and anyone interested in unlocking the secrets of personality. The most reliable, most accurate, and most accessible way to identify type, the improved enneagram questionnaire helps identify fundamental character traits, revealing invaluable directions for change and growth. The profile that emerges is useful for a wide variety of purposes: professional development, education, relationships, vocational counseling, and more. Discovering Your Personality Type is the book readers need in order to begin to see the possibilities made available by understanding personality types.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 271 Pages
  • File Size: 8,522 KB

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