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Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-based Competition on Results

by , (Harvard Business Review Press)

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The U.S. health care system is in crisis. At stake are the quality of care for millions of Americans and the financial well-being of individuals and employers squeezed by skyrocketing premiums -- not to mention the stability of state and federal government budgets.

In Redefining Health Care, internationally renowned strategy expert Michael Porter and innovation expert Elizabeth Teisberg reveal the underlying -- and largely overlooked -- causes of the problem, and provide a powerful prescription for change.

The authors argue that competition currently takes place at the wrong level -- among health plans, networks, and hospitals -- rather than where it matters most, in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of specific health conditions. Participants in the system accumulate bargaining power and shift costs in a zero-sum competition, rather than creating value for patients. Based on an exhaustive study of the U.S. health care system, Redefining Health Care lays out a breakthrough framework for redefining the way competition in health care delivery takes place -- and unleashing stunning improvements in quality and efficiency.

With specific recommendations for hospitals, doctors, health plans, employers, and policy makers, this book shows how to move health care toward positive-sum competition that delivers lasting benefits for all.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 24, 2006
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 531 Pages
  • File Size: 24,736 KB

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