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The Vampire Club

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Bestselling authors J.R. Rain and Scott Nicholson unleash The Vampire Club -- a group of lovable, laughable, larcenous college students turned vampire hunters!

Nearly two hundred years ago, a man was killed with a silver bullet in a rural Pennsylvania town. A man who just might have been a vampire.

The Vampire Club, a group of misfits who meet regularly in the basement of Western Virginia University's library, believes they've found the first documented case of a real vampire.

Even better, they think the vampire might still be alive today, lying comatose in a hidden, rural grave. For a group of nerdy vampire lovers, this is good news indeed.

The hunt begins, and as they close in on their immortal prize, they realize they aren't the only ones interested in the vampire. A powerful group of hunters will stop at nothing to keep the vampire permanently in its grave...
The Vampire Club is a humorous vampire romp, perfect for fans of Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, and Piers Anthony.


"This is such a funny Audible book! I laughed and giggled, snorted throughout this goofy book. It is so clever with the silly things it has in it that I almost missed some of the things if I wasn't paying attention. The book is sprinkled with the quick wit, and cunning way they eased the witticism in. I loved it and the characters were wonderful, the plot's a hoot! The narrator couldn't have been better for this book. He fit this book perfect and made this book even funnier! He made the voices perfect for each person, even the women. It's not easy to do comedy and he did it so easy! Awesome job!" -- Amazon review

"This spoof on vampire fans is so funny... I mean laugh-out-loud funny! Anyone who saw and loved The Lost Boys will appreciate the Corey Haim references (may he rest in peace). You will giggle at the Vu Vlux Vlan and the Vampire Club's single-mindedness to proving that vampires really exist. This is yet another book by J.R. Rain that will leave you anxiously awaiting the next!" -- Amazon review

"The story is awesomely funny and original. I really enjoyed the main character's hilarious facts and obsession with vampires and the trek to find one. The combination of humor, romance, and suspense makes this book a favorite of mine. I cannot wait until the next one! J.R. Rain is one of my favorite authors." -- Amazon review

"Let me start by saying I have a bias: I just love any story by Mr. Rain. The Vampire Club was a different story concerning vampires. Refreshing. Why didn't they have that class when I was in school?? -- Amazon review

"Vampire humor at it's finest! This is a fun and humorous read that reminded me of why I fell in love with vampire fiction in the first place. J.R. Rain and Scott Nicholson hit a home run on this one!" -- Amazon review

"Comedy in the vein of Mel Brooks or Monty Python! Satiric literature at its best! Poking fun of fans who might take themselves too seriously. Apparently, J.R. wrote this when he was 19 years old, and Scott cleaned it up for him to publish. Thank goodness he did. This book is perfect when you need a good hard laugh. I laughed so hard I dropped my precious Kindle. Thank God for Otterbox! Hopefully, we'll see more of this in the future. Thanks for the laughs, gentlemen." -- Amazon review

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 222 Pages
  • File Size: 2,320 KB

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