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RUNAWAY TWINS (Runaway Twins series Book 1)


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Book 1 in the Runaway Twins series

"Oh, my gosh, I love these kids! When they were hiding in the Bitterroot Mountains, I felt like I was right there with them."

"Cult leader wants twins for his child brides, his double portion from God... polygamy raises its ugly head."

Beautiful preteen twins Rachel and Janie Lemon are desperate to avoid the fate of their older sister Mary, who at thirteen was forced to marry the polygamous Prophet of Sheba Hill.

Their determination leads to an aborted escape attempt, and the cult leader sends the girls to a retraining center deep in Montana's Bitterroot Mountains. Justin Patrick, an openly rebellious twelve-year-old boy who has been dragged into the cult by his aunt, is sent along with them.

Justin and the twins plan an escape in mid-winter through the Bitterroots. Justin's father and uncle (who were both killed in an avalanche) trained him as a survivalist, and he assures the girls that the Bitterroots are not as dangerous as the Alaskan wilderness where he grew up.

Their adventures in the mountains include searches for food, shelter, water, and warmth -- all the while looking over their shoulders for the pursuing cult members.

As they race for freedom, they are fully aware that capture means certain death for Justin and death or brutal enslavement for the twins.

"I often felt I was present in the pages. I highly recommend this novel for anyone who loves adventure and the thrill of the chase."

"It's important to expose the harm these polygamy cults do." "Child brides, polygamy, forced marriages and a false prophet, too."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 132 Pages
  • File Size: 262 KB

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