



Like most women, whether they've chosen the Fortune 500 career path or have had five kids by 35, Anna David wondered if she'd made the right choices. Then she came upon the book Sex and the Single Girl by Helen Gurley Brown, Cosmopolitan's fearless leader from the mid-sixties to the late nineties. Immediately connecting with Gurley Brown's unique message of self-empowerment combined with femininity, Anna vowed to use Sex as a lesson plan, venturing out of her comfort zone in the hope of overcoming the fears and insecurities that had haunted her for years. Embarking on a journey both intensely personal and undeniably universal, she becomes adventurous and spontaneous -- reviving her wardrobe and apartment, taking French lessons, dashing off to Seville, and whiling nights away with men she never would have considered before. In the process, she ends up meeting the person really worth changing for: herself.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 13, 2012.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 323 Pages
  • File Size: 6,180 KB

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