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Razing Hell: Rethinking Everything You've Been Taught about God's Wrath and Judgment

by (Westminster John Knox Press)

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The idea of hell can haunt dreams and disturb sleep. Many wonder at the justice (or injustice) of it all, feeling confounded by a God who deems it necessary to send the majority of humanity to burn there forever. Seventy percent of Americans believe in hell, as do ninety-two percent of those who attend church every week. Clearly, it's a hot topic. Baker offers readers a safe space to contemplate tough issues as they rethink traditional views of hell. In her candid and inviting style Baker explores and ultimately refutes many traditional views of hell, presenting instead theologically sound ways of thinking that are more consistent with the image of God as a loving creator who desires to liberate us from sin and evil. This is an excellent selection for general readers, students, pastors, professors, and grief counselors, and will provide clarity for those with questions about hell, God's judgment, and what happens to us when we die.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 23, 2010
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 241 Pages
  • File Size: 5,225 KB

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