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By Honor Betray'd (Mageworlds)

by , (Tor Science Fiction)

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A bold pilot races to eliminate a threat to peace in the galaxy in the third entry in classic space opera adventure series.

Galcen has fallen. The Space Force is broken and scattered. The planets of the former Republic are rushing to make peace with the victorious Mages.

All that remains is mopping up. Minor details. A privateer or two, a few Adepts who remain alive and on the run, and the hereditary ruler of a lifeless planet.

Beka Rosselin-Metadi, the last Domina of Lost Entibor, possesses little more than a famous name and a famous ship. With them she must salvage what she can from the wreckage of the Republic. Her enemies are too many to count, her friends too few to make a difference. She can trust no one except herself, her crew -- and the family she ran away from years before.

Beka has resources few suspect: a hidden base, a long-forgotten oath, and a dead man's legacy. But she has problems as well; for in a universe gone mad, neither friends nor enemies are all that they may seem.

A play that began in treachery and blood five hundred years before has reached its final act. A broken galaxy will be sundered forever, or else made whole.

"I haven't had such a good read in this subgenre since I was cutting my teeth on Heinlein and Poul Anderson and the like!" -- Katherine Kurtz

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: July 15, 1994
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 458 Pages
  • File Size: 1,495 KB

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