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Did you know the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a grape tree, making Yahshua's final act of drinking sour wine of incalculable importance? .How is the Nazirite vow the most important causative factor in the entire Bible relative to the kingdom of heaven? .Who were the first and the last men in the Bible to shave, and what ill plight befell them and those following? .What does atonement and a woman's modest dress, head-covering, and a man's beard have in common? .Why does the Bible say that the woman is obligated to cover her head, or otherwise to cut off her hair? As a companion book to The Curse of 1920, Gary Naler's Coverings takes the testimony of nature and the Bible and intricately reveals why our Creator placed a beard on the man, and why, for 2,000 years, women dressed modestly and covered their heads. Characteristic of all of Gary's writings, the common compelling issue in both of these books is the entirely defining and determining matter of government.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 223 Pages
  • File Size: 5,128 KB

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