



A Family Christmas Story - dysfunction family holiday from the author of Omega Factor and Tetris

A Family Christmas Story is a romantic comedy about a families dysfunctional Christmas celebration.

Megan Montgomery works in Chicago and is faced with her boyfriend, Robert Murphy wanting to meet her family over the Christmas holiday. Given her families dynamics, she is reluctant to subject him at such a chaotic time of the year.

Unknown to her Robert is planning to ask her to marry him on New Years Eve, but first wants to ask her father for her hand in marriage.

Robert is not deterred by Megan's reluctance for him meeting her family and surprises Megan by joining her on her flight home. She is unprepared for him meeting her dysfunctional family. But love conquers all in the end.

It's a story everyone can relate to given most family relationships.

A few reviews follow:

As I read this book I found myself having WOW.OMG,and down right LOL moments. Very well written, I would say after finishing this book I can now look at my own family and say," maybe they're not as bad as I thought they were".

This book was an eye opener! OMG Any one who thinks their family is not so normal.
Must read this book.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 151 Pages
  • File Size: 726 KB

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