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The Witch (Witch Knife Book 1)


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"The suspenseful surprise ending to the crisis on which the story pivots dramatizes the unexcelled and surprising power of compassion. One of the most persuasive and moving presentations of a very sensitive subject with serious moral consequences that I have ever read. The characters are well drawn, fairly leaping off the page with chilling realism. Past and present timelines are nicely interwoven in such a way as to add depth and suspense. Alternate levels of consciousness are also artfully created so as to make them believable without needing to invoke a 'suspension of disbelief.' There are lyric passages of such grace that the very stones are made to vibrate with the liquidity of light on water. Who the narrator of the story turns out to be is revealed with a fine surprising touch."
~Dr. Robert Colacurcio, Ph.D.~

"This is a book that is more than a story, more than an excellent mystery, more than even a revelation. This novel touched my mind, my heart, and soul. It also went to depths that surpass an awakening into some of the horrors of this life and flowed beyond to the almost miraculous heights to which the soul can attain despite those depravities. I am in awe of Mr. Buckner. This is an incredible work of art. Somehow, in some part of me, I feel I'm doing it a disservice to even put this much of a label on it. This book defies definition into some neat package. It surpasses all bounds. If you have a heart, at all, you will benefit from reading this book. I cannot recommend it highly enough." ~Jean Nienhuis~

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 9, 2012
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 198 Pages
  • File Size: 722 KB

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