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Alphabitch Soup

by (Jill Ireland)

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Charlie Hutton is an irreverent, wise cracking jock, living in La Jolla California. Her foul-mouthed humor and unconventional lifestyle are in sharp contrast to her heart stopping beauty as she soars through life on a rocket of relentless energy and good humor. She has many friends but the most beloved is her impressively large and remarkably flatulent dog Tinkerbelle.
Always on the lookout for appealing revenue sources, she responds to a university ad looking for well paid volunteers for a Science project.
It is revealed that the research involves time travel and although she is apprehensive about the dangers, she is drawn by the handsome remuneration, the prospect of adventure, and the emotional lure of reuniting with her deceased alcoholic mother, and she agrees to participate. The experiment is a qualified success. She survives but instead of being propelled to New York in the 1970's, as anticipated, she finds herself in the 1880's in England, She is compelled to find a way to exist in this alien, repressive, misogynistic society for an entire year before she can hopefully return to her carefree life. Her survival depends on suppressing her impulses and curbing her tongue which she has found difficult enough in her own decade of origin, but nearly impossible amongst the staid Victorians. They find each other mutually appalling, particularly Conner FitzGerald, the captain who plucks her from the ocean where she unexpectedly arrives.
She is too compelling to be ignored, and too outrageous to be taken seriously, in site of all her efforts to assimilate.
It is a thought provoking comedic adventure with a juicy dollop of romantic encounters and entanglements.. Animal House meets Wuthering Heights.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 15, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 555 Pages
  • File Size: 3,799 KB

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