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First Visions: Second Sight Book One


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Two years ago, 21-year-old Kate Edwards became ill and slipped into a coma. While unconscious, she crept into the mind of a missing boy and awoke with the knowledge of his location. Friends and family were skeptical and wary of her new ability to see into the minds of others. Their fears prompted Kate to keep her psychic powers a secret. Feeling alienated, she dropped out of college and spent most of her days holed up at her mother's home. Now another child has been abducted.

Police detective Jared Corbett seeks out Kate for her help in solving the case. Reluctantly, Kate agrees and they must work together to bring 8-year-old Cori Preston home to her family. Although attracted to one another, Jared has a girlfriend with ties to the abduction case and Kate is guarded since her coma. With visions she can't control and an uncontrollable attraction to the detective, she wonders if she can leave the past behind and finally stop hiding from the world. Otherwise, Cori may be lost forever.

Mature YA/New Adult

***Series Complete: All four Second Sight books now available as a boxset***

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 151 Pages
  • File Size: 1,615 KB

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