



An Amazon Bestseller in 30-Minute Romance Short Reads (6 pages, 1700 words).

Holly adores living in her cozy mountain town and all the surrounding beauty soothes her soul. She treasures beading jewelry for her own small business, while watching nature and its amazing creatures outside her window.

But her mom begs her to move back to the city so she can find a man to marry. Holly doesn't want to give up on her dreams, but does that mean she'll have to give up on love?

From a New York Times bestselling author, don't miss the chance to discover what happens when you follow your heart in THE FRIENDLIEST FESTIVAL.

"A wonderful and perfect release to a stressful or crazy day." -- Cafè of Dreams Book Reviews

"It totally made me smile." -- Getting Your Read On

"Susan has a knack for light hearted dialogue and describing the zing in the connection between Holly and Dave... Be on the look out for this delightful morsel." -- Tifferz Book Review

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 15 Pages
  • File Size: 3,228 KB

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