



What high school class has a thirty-two year reunion? A class whose president has left the country, whose vice president is dead, and whose treasurer is in the Witness Protection program - in fact, Professor Susan Lombardi's class from Count Basie High School. Susan has misgivings about revisiting her hometown: she's leery of seeing her former high school sweetheart, now a high tech millionaire, and reluctant to get involved in a battle between her squabbling brothers. But when she does go, one of her "old gang" ends up dead, and Susan and her friends team up to find the classmate Most Likely to Murder.

"Carole Shmurak has created a lovable and memorable character in Susan Lombardi."
- Ceil Carey, The Cozy Library

"This is a great cozy series that I highly recommend."
- Kim Reis, Mystery Morgue

"A big part of why I really like Carole Shmurak's Susan Lombardi mysteries is how real they feel. They're filled with unique but highly believable real world people."
- Kim Malo,

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 17, 2012
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 184 Pages
  • File Size: 285 KB

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