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The Terraist Letters


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The Terraist Letters is the ultimate archontic allegory set in the nuclear age.

Who is Sean Enstitue? Sean Enstitue has gone by many names, and Sean believes he is the world's last chance. Sean lives on the last street, off of the last stop of The A train, in the last apartment building, and on the last corner in Manhattan, on 218th Street. He has lived in Inwood, by Washington Heights, for his whole life.

Sean believes that nuclear experimentation is destroying the atmosphere, causing global warming, negatively impacting the health of life on the entire planet, and because of what he knows beyond the obvious environmental impacts, because of who he is and what he learned, he thinks he may by the Earth's last chance.

The Terraist Letters is the most provocative political satire on the most serious subject matter; that of nuclear experimentation. Allow Sean to introduce you to his world, where graffiti is the only appreciable art, where every holiday is a plot to subdue questioning the global military industrial complex, where Santa Claus is the lead indoctrinator of lies for war, and where marijuana is the only thing that could possibly save the planet from nuclear destruction.

Cop the book for a laugh and more importantly thought provocation. Sean explains the validity of the philosophy and sentiment of 'F@#! the police' and how he derived it from the likes of Gandhi, OG George Washington and Jesus -whatever his real name was, all in the first few pages. Sean has an intense hatred of copouts in the global military industrial complex promoting nuclear experimentation, all holidays, especially Christmas and New Years..

You will laugh, you will shiver in fear, you might cry, you might learn a thing or two about nuclear experimentation and you will never, ever go near cat shit again.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 226 Pages
  • File Size: 2,165 KB

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