



Don't You Just Love Italian and Chicken? Now You Can Serve Your Family These Delicious Chicken Past Meals.


35 Chicken Pasta Recipes: Spaghetti to Chicken Lasagna, Quick & Easy!

I know it's not possible to fly to the Mediterranean just to get chicken and pasta.

In order to help you prepare mouthwatering meals you're sure to enjoy, I have compiled 35 simple recipes. I love these dishes and so will you!

"I have tried several recipes in this book and love all of them." - Paula D.

Knowing that you enjoy chicken as much as I do, these poultry recipes give you a choice of cooking a pasta meal any day of the month and they're listed right at your fingertips.

Take a look inside the book for a moment so you can get a feel for what it contains:

Baked Chicken Spaghetti Betty
Lemon Chicken Pasta
New York Buffalo Chicken Lasagna
8 Piece Mustard Baked Chicken With Pasta
Hungry Greek Chicken Pasta.

And this is just the beginning!

Are you hungry?

Prepare one of these outstanding chicken pasta recipes tonight. Simply scroll to the top of the page and click on the orange order button to order your copy of this quick and easy chicken recipe book. It won't take you long at all! Take advantage of the low price while it lasts!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 73 Pages
  • File Size: 2,860 KB

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