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The Namesake: A Commissario Alec Blume Novel


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The disappearance of Matteo Arconti, an innocent insurance man from Milan, is no mistake. That much becomes clear when his body is discovered mere feet away from the office of another Matteo Arconti--a court magistrate known for his close scrutiny of mafia movements.
This namesake killing broadcasts a clear message of defiance and intimidation from a powerful crime syndicate. But whom, exactly, is the murder intended to intimidate?
Commissario Alec Blume thinks he knows who's behind it all--Italy's most efficient and secretive mafia, the Ndrangheta, whose principals have operated untouchably from Germany for years. This is Blume's chance to lure the arrogant mafiosi out of their hiding place.
As a personal friend of Judge Arconti, however, Blume is too close to the case to formally investigate. Handing control over to his partner, Caterina Mattiola, he willingly takes a backseat--that is, until he decides to speed things up and secretly falsifies a mob wife's confession.
This plan forces Blume into an electrifying chase across Italy, from Naples to Calabria. As he races to right his wrongs and save innocent lives, Commissario Blume must ask himself whether he has finally gone too far...

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  • We started tracking this book on June 20, 2012.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 369 Pages
  • File Size: 4,713 KB

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