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In the early 1800s, Nicholas Santa discovered an ancient race of elven.

Short, fat and hairy, they have lived peacefully on the North Pole since the Ice Age but Nicholas is quickly swept into the colony's first and only fracture. The elven known as the Cold One has divided his people. His name is Jack. And Jack's tired of hiding. Why should they live in a shrinking ice cap when humans occupy the rest of the world?

It's just not fair.

There's no stopping Jack from world domination until Nicholas Santa, the only human to enter the elven colony, joins helium-bladder reindeer, artificially-intelligent snowmen, and a merry band of big-footed elven to bring peace back to the North Pole.

And becomes a legend.

• "Amazing rewrites that will astound you!" -Ruth Jackson, Amazon Reviewer

• "Best Santa Story Ever!" - Bob, Amazon Reviewer

• "Simply lovely." -jl, Amazon Reviewer

• "MY HEART GREW THREE SIZES... " - Amazon Reviewer

• "Couldn't Put It Down." - Amazon Reviewer

• "Fantasy at it's [sic] finest." -Carol, Amazon Reviewer

• "Absolutely phenomenal!" -JayFly, Amazon Reviewer

• "A++" -TKJ 131, Amazon Reviewer

• "Absolutely Awesome." -Dee greusel, Amazon Reviewer

• "I absolutely love this series... " -Kara McCabe, Amazon Reviewer

• "Tony is an excellent story teller!" jjjlake, Amazon Reviewer

• "I want MORE!" -J. Bunch, Amazon Reviewer

• "Awesomely engaging!" -Janice Everett, Amazon Reviewer

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 28, 2013
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 348 Pages
  • File Size: 1,581 KB

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