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"A rich, complex history... Deeply engaging and witty" (Los Angeles Times).

Long before Columbus arrived in the New Word, tobacco was cultivated and enjoyed by the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas, who used it for medicinal, religious, and social purposes. But when Europeans began to colonize the American continents, it became something else entirely -- a cultural touchstone of pleasure and success, and a coveted commodity that would transform the world economy forever.

Iain Gately's Tobacco tells the epic story of an unusual plant and its unique relationship with the history of humanity, from its obscure ancient beginnings, through its rise to global prominence, to its current embattled state today. In a lively narrative, Gately makes the case for the tobacco trade being the driving force behind the growth of the American colonies, the foundation of Dutch trading empire, the underpinning cause of the African slave trade, and the financial basis for victory in the American Revolution. Well-researched and wide-ranging, Tobacco is a vivid and provocative look at the surprising roles this plant has played in the culture of the world.

"Ambitious... informative and perceptive... Gately is an amusing writer, which is a blessing." -- The Washington Post

"Documents the resourcefulness with which human beings of every class, religion, race, and continent have pursued the lethal leaf." -- The New York Times Book Review

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  • We started tracking this book on February 23, 2016.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 420 Pages
  • File Size: 4,677 KB

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