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Home's Promise (Oregon Trail Book 2)


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At long last, Tommy has asked Rachel to marry him.
How could anything go wrong now?

Rachel Morgan is ready for marriage to Tommy Donovan. She's loved him from the first when they met on the Oregon Trail. Now they've arrived in Oregon, and with Katie and Jason settling into their new home, Rachel wants the same thing. But just as her engagement was a long time coming, it seems their wedding day must also be delayed. Should she use the attractive new neighbor's interest in her to make Tommy jealous? If he doesn't stop talking about the wonderful, perfect Miss Preston, a girl he's met in town, then maybe she will!

Tommy Donovan loves Rachel. He fought their attraction on the trail, but now that she's agreed to marry him, he wants to make her his bride. But something is holding him back. Is it, as he tells her, his ministry to the Indians? Or does he still harbor deeply buried resentment toward the very people he's trying to win for the Lord?

Revisit Rachel and Katie as they settle into their new home at the end of the Oregon Trail.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 30, 2012
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 271 Pages
  • File Size: 3,034 KB

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