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Beyond Uranus (The Uranus Trilogy Book 1)

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Beyond Uranus is the first of a trilogy of four or more books telling the ripping space yarns and illuminating times of an always late to work teacher and heroic on-line gamer.

The wrong kind of life, in the wrong kind of job, leads Roy to emotionally subsist on lager, pizza and on-line gaming. A fantastical opportunity presents him with a chance to boldly go, where others have trod before. Joining the crew of a mysterious Earth Station, Roy becomes a space pilot working for the galactic 'UN' shielding the Earth from an inappropriate first contact.

With a group of friends and an extraordinary personal computer he explores forbidden areas of the Station and excessively discovers that an alcohol ban doesn't cover the whole of it. Meanwhile, rogue pilot Dr. John D'Eath has iniquitous plans to kill Roy but is thrown off the station when his plot to frame him for an attack backfires. And Roy finds the love of his life when he meets a beautiful red-head and loves the tinge of ginge in her.

One day Roy attempts to shunt a mysterious freighter away from Earth and his indestructible ship is promptly destroyed, with himself being captured. Rescue comes from the person he least expects, which leads to him discover some shocking, hidden truths.

Some 85,000 words help tell this humorous tale, peppered with bar-room philosophy and sprinkled with adult language.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 207 Pages
  • File Size: 756 KB

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