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From Now On


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Jo Mitchell is a thirty-something woman who is deeply covered by her career and the safety of her overstuffed apartment. Her love-life seems to have hit a stone wall, while the little family she has left takes turns tormenting her fragile psyche. Trapped in this hum-drum existence, her somewhat unspectacular career is what truly sets her apart, and it is her only success to speak of. Right in the midst of this chaos, a new mysterious man (Mark) begins working at her company. Much to the disbelief of Jo, it appears that he is interested in her on a social level. They quickly develop a rapport and Jo's head is now spinning. Could this finally happen to her? Could her dreams truly come true? Things are rarely perfect. There is a sadness that sometimes sweeps across Mark's mind and darkens his beautiful eyes. He runs away and leaves Jo standing there in confusion and agony. Jo must know what has become of the man she has fallen for and won't give up on her dream of perpetual happiness. But could the dream be costing her too much? From Now On is a story of hope and hopelessness; of wanting to love and be loved; of love and fear; of wanting the thing that scares you the most. From Now On will entertain you, thrill you, move you, and stay with you for a long, long time to come... Scroll up and grab your copy today!

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  • We started tracking this book on February 2, 2013.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 142 Pages
  • File Size: 1,274 KB

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