



Whip up delicious cakes, pies, cookies, and more -- from crowd-pleasing favorites for potlucks to singular dessert sensations for intimate dinner parties.

Baking expert Flo Braker rises to the occasion with more than 200 celebration-worthy recipes for baked goods. Whether it's an impressive Dark Chocolate Custard Tart to wish someone a happy birthday, a blue ribbon-worthy batch of Fresh Mint Brownies for the annual family reunion, or an Old-World Braided Coffee Cake to impress the bridge club, each recipe is custom-crafted to commemorate life's special events. Lots of introductory information on techniques and ingredients ensure that each treat will be baked to perfection, making this a fabulous reference for any cookbook library. Baking for All Occasions makes each day something to celebrate.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 858 Pages
  • File Size: 4,896 KB

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