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Zen of Hoarding is infused with light-hearted spiritual wisdom, offered in koan-sized pieces for meditation. Each offering provides a thought for reflection as we unravel the mysteries behind our habits of hoarding. It strips the label and unearths what lies at the heart of our decisions regarding things.
Saira Priest reveals the emotions behind the things we hold onto long after we are done with them, and gently nudges us along as we find the courage to let go. In her journey with hoarding, Saira found lasting ways to clear the clutter and change her habits to live a clearer, easier life, freeing up time to do all the exciting things which define to her what it truly means to be alive. You can reclaim your life, too. Reading Zen of Hoarding will help. Feel a stronger connection with yourself as a kind friend walks hand in hand with you along the path to finding your better self under all the clutter.

Whether you have habits of hoarding or you are a loved one struggling to understand and help someone else who does - either way - Zen of Hoarding is a gift.

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  • We started tracking this book on December 5, 2012.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 196 Pages
  • File Size: 432 KB

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