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Under the Summer Sky (The Dakota Diaries Book 2)

by (Harvest House Publishers)

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$12.27 $12.34

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This romantic new book from bestselling author Lori Copeland portrays God's miraculous provision even when none seems possible.

1893 -- A man who goes only by the name of "Jones" isn't looking for trouble when he happens across Miss Trinity Franklin at the riverside. He is simply on his way to North Dakota to seek the advice of Tom Curtis, a former CN&W Railroad land purchaser. But when Jones spots a lady who is about to become the victim of a marauding band of thugs, he quickly follows his instincts. A handy barrel and a nearby river seem the perfect getaway solution... how was he to know she couldn't swim?

Thus begins an adventure beyond what either could have anticipated. After Jones again rescues Trinity -- this time from the river -- they find their destination is the same: a small town in North Dakota. A seemingly coincidental beginning comes to a delightful and charming ending when orchestrated by the One who can put the pieces of any lost and broken life together.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 1, 2013
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 299 Pages
  • File Size: 728 KB

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