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Advent (Christmas Fiction)


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? Who knew secret Santa swaps could be so romantic? ?

Curtis Brighton is the enigma of Delta Advertising. Why is the highest paid, most successful man in the office not getting the promotions that he has earned? Why is his wallet worn out, his briefcase falling apart, and why doesn't he at least participate in the office "Secret Santa?"

These are questions that plague Lita Cathey.

After three years sitting across from him, she knows only his work ethic and strange propensity to disappear from the office in a rush. As the month counts down, the most unlikely relationship builds until Lita's heart is so entangled that she has to face her own fears.

Find out what it will take for Lita to get past her own fears in order to help Curtis have both the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years... and ever after.

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  • We started tracking this book on November 28, 2012.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 298 Pages
  • File Size: 1,729 KB

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