



A dynamic composite of rising stars, The Collection represents the depth and range of tomorrow's finest writers chronicling transgender narratives. 28 authors from North America converge in a single volume to showcase the future of trans literature and the next great movements in queer art.

I met a girl named Bat who met Jeffrey Palmer / Imogen Binnie --
Saving / Carter Sickels --
To the new world / Ryka Aoki --
The cafe / R. Drew --
Black Holes / RJ Edwards --
Other women / Casey Plett --
Greenhorn / K. Tait Jarboe --
Tammy Faye / A. Raymond Johnson --
The queer experiment / Donna Ostrowsky --
Tomboy of the western world / Terence Diamond --
A Roman incident / Red Durkin --
An exquisite vulnerability / Cyd Nova --
Masks of a superhero / Mikki Whitworth --
Stones stand still / Madison Lynn McEvilly --
Two girls / Alice Doyle --
Runaways / Calvin Gimpelvich --
To do list for morning / Stephen Ira --
Winning the tiger / Katherine Scott Nelson --
A short history of my genders / MJ Kaufman --
Ramona's demons / Susan Jane Bigelow --
Dean & Teddy / Elliot DeLine --
Malediction and pee play / Sherilyn Connelly --
War with waking up / Noel Arthur Heimpel --
Cursed / Everett Maroon --
Birthrights / M. Robin Cook --
Ride home under a thuderstorm / Oliver Pickle --
Entries / Riley Calais Harris --
Power out / Adam Halwitz

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  • We started tracking this book on April 12, 2013.
  • The current price of this book is $9.95 last checked one day ago.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 411 Pages
  • File Size: 2,211 KB

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