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Whispers from above change a small town in Texas...

In a West Texas town called Littleland, on a Monday morning during his daily devotional time, Pastor Jim Mitchell hears a "whisper" from God. Along with his wife Cindy and his friend Darren, he suddenly finds himself on a spiritual journey of faith, a journey that involves a young girl named Alicia and a lonely and desperate boy named Rusty Jenkins. Rusty has an unusual crush on Alicia, and will stop at nothing to be with her.

And Rusty Jenkins has a gun.

"Read the first chapter and you won't want to put Whispers down. It's a compelling story about friendships and the unseen forces that seek to destroy them. It's a mixture of good and evil and the wonderfully mysterious." - Bill Perkins (Author of When Good Men Get Angry and 6 Rules Every Man Must Break)

"... a religious Field of Dreams" - Steve Alten (New York Times Best-selling Author)

"Well, it's official! At exactly 3:41 am Pacific Standard Time I finished it... I just had to stay up... it was one of those books that I couldn't stop until I was done! Love it. Loved it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVED IT!!! - Carol (

"I was hooked on the first page. The way it starts out it grabs you and the last word lets you go. You feel the presence of God within every word you read." - Janet (

David Story lives with his wife in Pasadena, TX.

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  • We started tracking this book on March 9, 2013.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 356 Pages
  • File Size: 600 KB

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