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Fisher of Men (The Dunbridge Chronicles Book 1)


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'I really feel for Neil Fisher-just finding his feet as a new curate, but whenever he trips up, it's in full public glare!... I love a book that moves you to tears one minute, then has you laughing out loud the next. This book is it!' Aled Jones

Neil Fisher's first trip to Dunbridge was not a success. Having inadvertently locked himself in St Stephen's Church for hours (and succumbing to the communion wine and wafers for dinner) it seemed miraculous they gave him the curate's job!

On arrival in the small town of Dunbridge it quickly becomes clear that life is not going to be tranquil for the eligible new bachelor, as four formidable women are determined to make their presence felt. There is his mother, Iris, still questioning his choice of career; his rector, the no-nonsense Margaret, who is not one for taking prisoners; Claire, his new neighbour, whom he's already managed to offend. And then there is Wendy, the beautiful leading light of the church music group, who has her own plans for Neil.

It can only end in trouble.

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  • We started tracking this book on August 13, 2014.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 338 Pages
  • File Size: 1,353 KB

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