



You're constantly challenged to grow your business, increase productivity, and improve quality--all while reducing or keeping budgets flat. So what's a managerto do.

You've streamlined processes. You've restructured. You've sought customer and employee feedback. You've tried everything. Now, try something that works. Profit from the Positive is a practical, groundbreaking guide for business leaders, managers, executive coaches, and human resource professionals. Whether you lead three employees or 3,000, this book shows you how to increase productivity, collaboration, and profitability using the simple yet powerful tools from the new field of Positive Psychology.

Featuring case studies of some of the most forward-thinking and successful companies today--Google, Zappos, and Amazon, to name a few--Profit from the Positive provides over two dozen evidence-based tools you can apply immediately. Learn how to:

• Set habits, not just goals

• Recognize the Achoo! effect

• Stop asking the wrong questions

• Hire for what's not on the resume

• Turn strengths into a team sport

• Preview, don't just review, performance
The best part--These strategies don't cost a dime to implement! Trained by Dr. Martin Seligman, known as the father of Positive Psychology, Margaret Greenberg and Senia Maymin translate the scientific research and make it accessible to the business world.


"Put it on your nightstand, bring it on the plane with you--however you do it--read this book. Profit from the Positive gives actionable steps for managers' biggest burning questions. As a twenty-first-century leader, you cannot do without it." -- Marshall Goldsmith, New York Times bestselling author of MOJO and What Got You Here Won't Get You There

"Profit from the Positive gives the busy executive ways to improve performance immediately--in some cases by up to 50 percent--without restructuring the organization or bringing in any consultants. Finally, a leadership book that bridges the chasm between what science knows and what business needs!" -- Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hotels and New York Times bestselling author of PEAK and Emotional Equations

"Profit from the Positive is a thought-provoking and practical guide... an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to be an exceptional manager and contributor at work." -- Gretchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Project

"Greenberg and Maymin--pioneers in the application of Positive Psychology to organizations--have built an exciting and important bridge between compelling evidence and actionable practice. Profit from the Positive is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to boost organizational productivity and the quality of work life." -- Adam Grant, professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take

"Profit from the Positive is a straightforward business book that offers tools, backed by solid research, which can help any manager and their team." -- Tony Hsieh, CEO of, Inc., andNew York Times bestselling author of Delivering Happiness

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 257 Pages
  • File Size: 5,167 KB

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