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Tracy's Complications: Wallace Family Affairs


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Tracy hasn't always made the right choices in her life. It seems like she always has to learn things the hard way. Her parents raised her to be a good Christian woman, but she had her own ideas about how she wanted to live her life. Not completely out on the wild side, but definitely not within the structure her parents provided her with.
After the complete failure of two relationships, she decides that there may be something to the Christian upbringing that her parents showed her.
But then her ex-boyfriend Andrew comes back to claim the woman he lost. Now loaded down with a son and a CRAZY baby momma, Andrew is determined to have Tracy in his life. Even if that means that he doesn't completely fill her in on the history behind his last name Wallace.
Slowly Tracy learns little bits and pieces of his life. She meets his extremely young parents Amber and Malcolm, and the rest of his family.
Meanwhile Andrew struggles to protect Tracy from her possessive ex-boyfriend Steve, who will stop at nothing to make her understand that if he can't have her no one will.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 512 Pages
  • File Size: 1,759 KB

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