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Afterglow (Brotherhood of the Blade Book 2)


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Rand Sebastian is now a trained vampire hunter with the Brotherhood of the Blade.

Now, the Brotherhood faces a dangerous challenge when a missing member of the Sisterhood of the Scythe returns to the castle after a long disappearance.

There's just one problem...

She's now a vampire, and she's asking for sanctuary -- and in return, she provides intel about Rand's kidnapped daughter.

Now on a desperate mission to save his daughter, Rand heads to Romania, where he will come face to face with pure evil...

And the most powerful vampire in the world.

It will take all of his courage and training to stay alive...

Find his daughter...

And wage a one-man war.

Click BUY NOW or READ FOR FREE to continue the Brotherhood of the Blade trilogy of supernatural thrillers!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 178 Pages
  • File Size: 3,681 KB

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