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The Legend of Shamus McGinty's Gold


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There's enough gold to make you think you can live forever, but Shamus McGinty has hidden it where no one can ever find it. The only way to find the gold is to stop looking, but once you find it, you won't even realize it. So goes the legend of Shamus McGinty's gold.

After forty years, Morgan Armstrong thinks he's close to solving the legend, but he's at death's door. He offers a share of the gold to the ruthless outlaw Quinn Rogers in return for finding a cure to save his life. Quinn looks no farther than Fergal O'Brien, purveyor of a "universal remedy" he claims will cure anything and everything.

Too bad for Morgan that it hasn't cured anyone yet, and too bad for Fergal when Quinn finds that out. His ultimatum to Fergal is simple: cure Morgan or die. To avoid the wrong end of Quinn's gun, Fergal and his trusty bodyguard, Randolph, must find a way to help Morgan. Their treatment just might be the key to solving the legend of Shamus McGinty's gold.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 140 Pages
  • File Size: 2,237 KB

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