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The shocking, true story of Pennsylvania mass murderer Michael Ballard who received the death sentence for his crimes -- includes eight pages of dramatic photos.

Out of control

June 26, 2010. A Pennsylvania State Trooper, heading home from work, witnesses a car speeding and crashing into trees. Stopping to help, he finds that the driver, Michael Ballard, is alive -- and drenched in blood. When asked what happened, the man answers: "I just killed everybody."

Out of his mind

Not far from the accident, police make a gruesome discovery in the home of Michael's ex-girlfriend, Denise Mehri. Four bodies are found, stabbed repeatedly with a knife: Denise on the kitchen floor; her grandfather, in his wheelchair; her neighbor, who tried to help; and her father, in a room with a blood-smeared obscenity painted on the wall. How could anyone do something so sinister?

Out of time...
Michael had already been convicted of murder when he was only eighteen. Despite several misconducts during his time in prison, he was found suitable for parole shortly after his minimum sentence lapsed. But this time, his deadly rampage would not be so easily pardoned. From authors Colin McEvoy and Lynn Olanoff, this is the shocking true story about four innocent people who fell prey to one man's

Fatal jealousy.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 28, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 284 Pages
  • File Size: 2,360 KB

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